Hi there, it’s too good to see you on this page. Today, in this blog, we’ll learn how to replace the water line in the refrigerator door and you’ll get to know how you can do it by yourself even without technical knowledge and by just staying at your house. I’m pretty sure that you are looking for the same how-to information that you will have in this article. Moreover, you will also be able to know about the water line in the refrigerator, how it works, when you need to replace it, and how to replace it in different types of the refrigerator.
Table of Contents
How to Replace The Water Line in the Refrigerator Door?
So, without wasting much time, get your tools ready, and let’s dive into our specific topic. I can make sure that at the end of the day, you’ll be completely aware of the problem and its relative solution. So, let’s get this thing started.
But before going towards the actual process of replacing it, you should know about the below-described things.
What is the water line for the refrigerator?
The water line is basically a necessity or says a basic tool inside those refrigerators that provide cold and filtered water through the dispenser for drinking or using for other purposes. Those refrigerators that have built-in water dispensers or automatic ice makers are needed to be connected to a water source so that you should have the availability of clean, pure, and fresh cold water from your refrigerator.
Related Post: Top Inline water filter for refrigerator
However, this water can be provided in two ways. First, you can connect the fridge directly to plumbing via a water line. Secondly, you can also manually add water to the reservoir inside your refrigerator. But those fridges, that are without ice makers or water dispensers, don’t need any type of water source or connection to work properly.
In short words, you can say that if your refrigerator is giving you fresh cold, and clean water, it has the supply of water through a water line.
Why do we need to replace the water line in the refrigerator door?
Since you have known about what a water line in the refrigerator is and how it actually works. or for what purpose it is there? Now, it’s time to have a look at why you need to replace the water line in the refrigerator door? Why do we do that?
The reason is, sometimes the water line gets broken, gets a leak, a rat might bite it, moved from its place, may have a hole into its length which causes loss and slow supply of water, may have some kind of fungus clogged into it that stops the normal supply of water to your refrigerator.
Therefore, if this happens, your fridge will ultimately stop working normally and not provide you fresh, clean, and cold water according to your expectations.
That’s why, for making sure that you always have a good supply of water for drinking as well as your fridge for making it, we keep the water line issue-free, up to date, and check for its time to time replacement. This makes your fridge work at its full capacity.
How to replace the water line in the refrigerator?
Now, you are already aware of the problem that your refrigerator water line is not working properly, has broken, losing water or has some other defective issue, you need to replace it. But how to do so?
A Step by Step Guide
Well for this, you will have to follow this step-by-step procedure to replace the water line in your refrigerator and if you follow the same process, you will definitely be able to change it just by yourself without any technical knowledge or necessary guidance. I can make sure that the work is very simple and easy to do. Therefore, let’s do this.
Gather the required equipment:
Before starting the replacement process, you’d have to collect and make sure of the availability of these tools so that you won’t have any hassles during replacing the old water line in the refrigerator door.
- A new water line with the same length required for your refrigerator
- A tape cutter
- A tape
- Philips head screwdrivers
Turn the power supply off or unplug your refrigerator from the power outlet:
Before you start replacing the water line of the dispenser in your refrigerator, you should make sure that the switch is unplugged and no power or electricity is flowing through the refrigerator.
Because this may cause any shock or electricity break down causing damage to you or your refrigerator as you’ll be directly working with internal circuits, fuses, and all that electricity connectivity.
Remove the trip tray:
After that, remove the trip tray and clear the area below the water dispenser taps. You should do this because you are going to replace the water line of the dispenser by opening this place
embedded with taps and that makes the availability of water possible to you.
Using a Phillips-head screwdriver:
Now use a Philip head screwdriver to unthread the three lower screws securing the front dispenser panel. This will open a way to the internal side of the refrigerator dispenser.
Slide the panel to detach it:
After that, you’ve unthreaded all the screws completely, slide the front dispenser panel up to detach it. Do it slowly and carefully to save it from breakage and other damages as it is made with some low quality or say delicate plastic.
Disconnect the wire connecters:
When you detach the front panel, there will appear a complete set of electrical connections. Here, you need to disconnect the wire connectors.
When you reach there, you’ll be left with something like this.
Using Philip-head screwdriver number 2:
Again, use the Philip-head screwdriver or screwdriver number 2 and unthread the front screws by securing the module. Do not rush and do it easily, slowly to secure your refrigerator parts from certain breakage or damage.
Remove the module:
After you’ve done unthreading the screws, slide up the water dispenser line, and then disconnect the wire connectors to move the module out of the way. You’ll leave with something like this.
Detaching the lower grill:
After this, detach the lower grill.
Releasing the water line:
Now, use a 7 by 16 inches wrench to depress the retaining ring for releasing the water line from the coupler. This will appear something like seen in the below-given picture.
Use a Tape Cutter:
Use a tape cutter to cut the tape securing the water line with the spring by securing the spring. And then slide this spring off.
Once you cut the tape and the spring is free to remove, you can easily and slowly get off the spring from the water line. This is how you’re gonna do it.
Removing the old Water line:
Now you can fully remove the old water line. You will do this by pulling the water line from the water dispenser area slowly until you finish removing the whole line.
Installing the new water line:
Get a new water line that matches your refrigerator brand or its door length from a nearby local refrigerator store or ask your refrigerator manufacturers if they have it. because it is time to install a new water line into your refrigerator.
Install the new water line by feeding it through the bottom side of the refrigerator door.
Keep pushing it until it appears on the front dispenser house side:
Putting the spring again:
Position the spring approximately two inches from the end of the line.
Using tape to secure the spring:
Once you have done putting the spring back to its place, use the tape to secure it right there.
Make sure that you have completely attached it there and there is no further exercise needed.
Time for the module:
Take the module and insert the whole end of the water dispenser line through it.
Connect the wire connectors:
Again, put the wire connectors back to their place and attach them with each other.
Repositioning the module:
After this, reposition the module. Use a screw driver that you’ve already used for unthreading the screws back to thread the screws at their place.
Reinstalling the front panel:
Once you’ve done fitting all the screws back to their place and the module is secured. You can go for reinstalling the front panel. For this, the first thing you need to do is to connect the wire connectors back to its place.
Align the taps with the slots in the door, and slide it down. This will fix the front panel to its place.
Fixing the front panel screws:
Use the screwdriver and rethread the screws on the front panel.
Replacing the Trip Tray:
This includes putting the trip tray back to its place.
Inserting the water line into the coupler:
After placing the tray, get back to the bottom side and insert the bottom end of the water line into the coupler. Keep doing it until it is fully seeded.
Realigning the grill:
Once you’re done with the coupler part, it’s time to realign the grill back to where you’ve unplaced it. Keep doing it until you’ve completely fixed it right there.

Plug the power cord back:
For checking the working side of the newly placed water line, put the plug of the refrigerator into the power cord and turn it on.
The final part:
Congrats! because you have finished replacing the water line in your refrigerator and its ready to provide you chilled and clean water once again.
How to replace the water line in the whirlpool refrigerator door?
Whirlpool refrigerator is a two-sided refrigerator that requires the same procedure for replacing the water line in its door. All you need to do is to look for the above-described procedure and make sure that you do it till the end the same as it is described. Just be sure and take care of yourself from cautions like most importantly the electricity short circuits or shocks. However, the other brands that don’t come with a water dispenser do not need a water line and ultimately, you’ll not need to replace it.
How to replace the water line in the Frigidaire refrigerator door?
Another mostly used refrigerator brand is Frigidaire that is again coming in in the design as a two-sided refrigerator and requires the same procedure for replacing the water line in its door. Don’t forget to take precautionary measures before replacing the water line like switching off the electricity or plugging out the power cord.
Moreover, Frigidaire has other brands that do not have the versatility of dispenser so they do not require you to replace or change the waterline. Because they don’t have any.
How to replace the water line in the Samsung refrigerator door?
Samsung is one of the most used refrigerator brands in kitchen appliances and when you use its water dispenser version that makes the availability of fresh clean and cold water possible. It requires the below-described process for replacing its water line inside its door.
That is how you gonna do so.
First of all, take a look at the below-given diagram and observe the parts of your Samsung refrigerator for replacing its waterline. Once you’ve recognized them and figured out where they are located inside your refrigerator, you can go for replacing its dispenser water line.
- Firstly, turn off the ice maker and shut off the main water supply. But before that, plug out the power cord or shut off the electricity supply to your refrigerator.
- Try to figure out the nearest cold drinking water line
- Now, connect the 3/16 white plastic tube on the back side of your Samsung refrigerator
- Take a wrench and slip the compression net onto the white plastic line of the refrigerator
- Locate the white plastic tube and screw the union into it then tighten the compression nut. But, make sure that you don’t over tighten the compression nut
- For tightening the compression nut onto the union, slip the compression sleeve and compression nut onto the copper tubing as shown into the below given picture
- Now, turn water on and check if there is any leakage or not
- Go for installing the water filter
- After that, turn the main water supply on and shut off the valve of the water supply line
- Turn on the tap and run water through the dispenser for at least 6 to 7 minutes. This will clean the water supply system and clear all air from water lines
- However, there may require some additional flushing in some households
- The final step stats to check out the water leakage around the water filter by opening the refrigerator front door
So, if you follow the same procedure for replacing the water line into your Samsung refrigerator door, you’ll definitely be able to do so If you’ll do it just the same way I described.
Is a water line necessary in all types of refrigerators?
It’s an obvious thing that refrigerators with water lines are very popular, but the thing is, they aren’t really necessary. There are many reasons why most people intentionally look for a refrigerator that doesn’t have any water line. The most basic reason is, when your refrigerator doesn’t have a water line, its water dispenser or ice maker eliminates the problems of leaks or performance deficiencies.
The fact is true because according to many customers, 21 % of refrigerator models are having problems with dispensing water or ice and 14% are having trouble with making ice.
However, if you don’t want yourself to engage or face these problems, you can simply have a refrigerator without a water line. Because, if you will have this, you will not only be able to eliminate these problems of leakage or faulty issues, but you will also have more space inside your refrigerator for storing food or other beverages as there will be no water dispenser or ice maker in your refrigerator. Also, when you choose a refrigerator without a water line, you will be getting something for less money. As usual, refrigerators with more features come at a little high price. And if you don’t want to pay this price, and wanna keep yourself away from these hassles, you can have a fridge without a water line, speaking more generally, without a water dispenser or ice maker.
What can be used as an alternative to the water line in a refrigerator?
Do you know what? You can still have the versatility of an automatic ice maker and water dispenser even without having a water line in your refrigerator. Because this is true that a water line can always observe leakage, and it can be seen that they’re connected to a water pipe that remains on all the time so there can always happen a mini flood or subsequent water damage. You don’t want yourself to exercise this type of risk, do you?
However, a good and signified alternative of this era to a water line in a refrigerator is using a “Countertop ice maker.” This is because some refrigerators are made with built-in water tanks and they provide the versatility of leak-free water supply without losing the features of automatic ice production, cold and filtered water. This type of appliance does not need to have a water line because this allows you to fill up the water tank before turning the cycle on for running.
The best thing about not using a refrigerator with a water line is this alternative in the form of a countertop ice maker which is the one that can quickly make ice for hot summer days as well as parties. This proves to be something much admirable and the best alternative for the people who don’t want to engage with the troubles and hassles of water line leakages and replacing them.
AGLUCKY Counter top Ice Maker Machine
How to replace water line in refrigerator door- Related FAQs
How do I remove the water line from my refrigerator door?
To do this, you’ll have to follow the above-described step-by-step process and you should also beware of the electricity short circuits and taking necessary measures. You should have the required screwdrivers and all of the required tools for replacing it completely. I can make sure that you can do this easily and so nicely.
How much does it cost to replace the water line in the refrigerator?
Well, I guess nothing. You’d just have to buy a new water line to replace it with the old one. This will not cost you much money. But if you don’t have the required tools then you may have to purchase them and this can cost you some bucks. However, I can still make sure that there will be no worry about anything.
Moreover, if the procedure doesn’t work and you aren’t able to replace it by yourself at your house, you can call an operator and ask him to repair it. This will depend on the repairer as to how much he asks for his work. I hope that you get it.
Can a fridge make ice without a water line?
Yes, it can. You don’t need to install it if you don’t want ice and water because the fridge can work fine even without having a water line. A fridge without a water line may not be able to provide you fresh, cold, and natural water or ice, but still, it can provide you much space for storing food, and making them chilled with its own freezing functionality.
Final Thoughts:
After reading the information described here, I hope that you have got how to replace the water line in the refrigerator door. Just make sure that you’re gonna do it by yourself, gather the necessary equipment, and follow the procedure described here. I can make sure that you will get through this easily. Moreover, don’t ever forget to take precautionary measures such as pulling out the power cord and turning off the electricity supply. This will keep you safe and secure during the replacement process.
With all this, please take care of yourself and stay tuned with the latest updates on this site. In addition to this, if you have any queries or want to add something, please let me know through the comment box. I would love to respond to that. So, see you soon on another great topic. Have a nice day.
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